Abstract submission: 31st of July, 2024

Acceptance of abstracts: 15th of August, 2024

Full papers due: 22nd of August, 2024

Early bird registrations till 31st May, 2024

Regular registrations till end of August, 2024

Provisional programme at glance:



17 September, Tuesday

13:00            Open Registration Desk

14:00-15:00  ITSA Board meeting

15:30-16:30  Young Scholars & Philip Pearce TRINERGY Program (ITSA-IJTC)

18:00-19:30   Welcome Reception & Networking

18 September, Wednesday

08:30              Open Registration Desk

09:00-09:30    Opening Ceremony 

09:30-10:50    Keynote #1 – Green brings green : The power of sustainable destination branding in urban marketing and development (Prof. Alastair Morrison, Research Professor, School of Management and Marketing, University of Greenwich)  

Keynote #2 – Cultural Sedimentation and Cultural Sustainability : From Place Writing to Destination Making (Prof. Tiger Bihu Wu, Professor & Director, The International Center for Recreation and Tourism Research, Peking University)

10:50-11:20    Coffee Break

11:20-13:00    Parallel sessions I

13:00-14:00    Lunch

14:20-15:30    Parallel sessions II

15:30-15:50    Coffee break

15:50-16:50    ITSA General Meeting – available to current ITSA members and those interested in becoming members

19:30-23:00      Networking Reception

19 September, Thursday

Field trips, including lunch, 1 snack break: 

09:00-15:00      Tour A : Baltic Coastline Tour

09:00-15:00      Tour B: Gauja Natioal Park Exploration

09:00-17:00      Tour C : Valmiera

09:00-13:00      Tour D : Riga by Bike

20 September, Friday

09:00-09:40      Keynote #3 – Who governs smart cities? Urban Commons as a community process. (Ilona Beliatskaya, Junior Research Fellow, Estonian Business School)

09:40-11:10         Parallel sessions III

11:10-11:30         Coffee break

11:30-13:00         Parallel sessions IV

13:00-13:15         Voting for the best presentation and paper

13:15-14:15         Lunch break

14:15-15:15         IJTC Information Meeting – available to potential authors, reviewers, board members, and others interested in the International Journal of Tourism Cities

15:15-15:55         Keynote #4

15:55-16:30         Closing part & the Best Presentation Award

16:30                    Coffee break & Goodbye

The conference programme includes a full day field trip to get to know and experience, as well as take a best practice in tourism from Latvia. At least, for one field trip option there will be an opportunity to visit Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences in Valmiera. Four types of field trips will be offered to the participants. Each participant will have the option to chose one of the field trips based on first come principle.